Many rely on skim milk for their dietary patterns as the best in terms of maintaining weight and for dieting … but is it the best for human health?
Full-fat dairy has long since recovered from being calorie-dense and saturated with fat, as healthier options compared to low-fat alternatives, after a long period in which research has said that low-fat is best, according to the health site.
It has been the constant advice of health agencies and public health workers about cutting back on fats throughout the diet, including fats in dairy products, but that belief has changed in the past few years, says Francis Largman Roth, a nutrition expert.
As more and more people choose ingredients like skim yogurt or low-fat yogurt, manufacturers have started pumping their products with sugar and industrial ingredients to make them taste better, so a person can consume their daily ration of sugar in just one cup of strawberry milk, or fruit yogurt, In addition to the extra sugars, it deprives us of the health benefits of whole milk.
Benefits of Full Fat Dairy Products: “Full-fat dairy products may actually help to stick to a healthy weight,” said one study, finding that those who drank more whole milk and full-fat dairy products were less likely to be overweight or obese compared to Women who did not consume anything whole fat dairy.
A study published in the European Journal of Nutrition also found that daily consumption of whole milk increases the levels of good cholesterol while the consumption of skim milk did not have that effect. In the same regard, another study says that children who drank whole milk have high levels of vitamin “D” in their blood compared to their peers who drank low-fat milk, and adds to Legman Roth, researchers believe that milk fat may help children’s bodies absorb vitamin D more efficiently.
There is no reason to be afraid of healthy fats, however, some nutritionists say that eating regular fat-free yogurt is better to avoid saturated fats and to supply the body with needed fats from other sources such as nuts.
Whole milk and skim are both good options, but organic whole milk products have the added advantage of increasing omega-3 fatty acids as well as linoleic acid, which helps maintain a healthy weight and may help manage type 2 diabetes.
But full-fat dairy products may not be the best choice for people on a DASH diet to treat high blood pressure, and your doctor or registered dietitian recommends switching to low-fat dairy products in a DASH system full of fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products, according to Roth. Do not hesitate to rely on whole milk in your daily diet, and do not stripe because you may lose yourself and your health many of the benefits that whole milk brings.
Which is better … milk is empty or full fat?
